Export enumerations of an AX project using AOT traversal

While working on the documentation phase for an AX 2012 project I needed a way to speed up a few things. One of the requirements for the documentation was to add a description of all enumerations that has been used by this project. The result was a simple but powerful script which recursively traverse all nodes of a project to find all enumerations. For each enumeration that is found the actual values are printed.

Of course it is a very specific script for a certain purpose but you can of course change it to gather other kinds of information.

static void JM_ExportProjectEnumValues(Args _args)
    ProjectListNode sharedProjList = infolog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild("Shared");
    ProjName projName;
    ProjectNode projNode;
    ProjectNode projNodeLoad;


    // warning: recursive function
    void traverseProjectNodes(ProjectNode _rootNode)
        TreeNode childNode;
        TreeNodeIterator rootNodeIterator;
        TreeNodeType treeNodeType;
        DictEnum dictEnum;
        int enumValueIdx;

        if (_rootNode)
            rootNodeIterator = _rootNode.AOTiterator();
            childNode = rootNodeIterator.next();
            while (childNode)
                treeNodeType = childNode.treeNodeType();
                //info(strfmt("%1: %2 - %3", treeNodeType.id(), rootNode.AOTname(), childNode.AOTname()));

                // found group: jump in
                if (treeNodeType.id() == #NT_PROJECT_GROUP)

                // found base enum
                if (treeNodeType.id() == #NT_DBENUMTYPE)
                    dictEnum = new DictEnum(enumName2Id(childNode.AOTname()));
                        info(strFmt("ID:%1 NAME:%2", dictEnum.id(), dictEnum.name()));
                        for(enumValueIdx = 0; enumValueIdx < dictEnum.values(); enumValueIdx++)
                            info(strFmt("%1 = %2", dictEnum.index2Value(enumValueIdx), dictEnum.index2Label(enumValueIdx)));
                childNode = rootNodeIterator.next();

    // traverse all enums of a given project
    projName = ""';
    projNode = sharedProjList.AOTfindChild(projName);
    projNodeLoad = projNode.loadForInspection();

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