AX Deleting items from a map

I faced a challenge in deleting specific items from a map today. The problem occurs when the recordIterator.delete() x++ statement is executed. Any consecutive statement using the recordIterator variable will throw the exception ‘the iterator does not designate a valid element’. According to SysDictCoder it is not a problem to remove items using the ListIterator though.

The solutions lays within the use of a set in which the keys of the items that needs to be deleted are stored. After the first iteration another iteration takes place to actually delete the applicable items from the map.

public Map cleanupRecordMap(Map _recordMap)
    MapIterator     recordIterator = new MapIterator(_recordMap);
    Set             deleteRecordSet = new Set(Types::String);
    SetEnumerator   deleteRecordSetEnumerator;

    if(_recordMap.elements() > 0)
                // mark record to be deleted by adding it to a set
        // use the set of keys to remove them from the map
        deleteRecordSetEnumerator = deleteRecordSet.getEnumerator();

    return _recordMap;

Export enumerations of an AX project using AOT traversal

While working on the documentation phase for an AX 2012 project I needed a way to speed up a few things. One of the requirements for the documentation was to add a description of all enumerations that has been used by this project. The result was a simple but powerful script which recursively traverse all nodes of a project to find all enumerations. For each enumeration that is found the actual values are printed.

Of course it is a very specific script for a certain purpose but you can of course change it to gather other kinds of information.

static void JM_ExportProjectEnumValues(Args _args)
    ProjectListNode sharedProjList = infolog.projectRootNode().AOTfindChild("Shared");
    ProjName projName;
    ProjectNode projNode;
    ProjectNode projNodeLoad;


    // warning: recursive function
    void traverseProjectNodes(ProjectNode _rootNode)
        TreeNode childNode;
        TreeNodeIterator rootNodeIterator;
        TreeNodeType treeNodeType;
        DictEnum dictEnum;
        int enumValueIdx;

        if (_rootNode)
            rootNodeIterator = _rootNode.AOTiterator();
            childNode =;
            while (childNode)
                treeNodeType = childNode.treeNodeType();
                //info(strfmt("%1: %2 - %3",, rootNode.AOTname(), childNode.AOTname()));

                // found group: jump in
                if ( == #NT_PROJECT_GROUP)

                // found base enum
                if ( == #NT_DBENUMTYPE)
                    dictEnum = new DictEnum(enumName2Id(childNode.AOTname()));
                        info(strFmt("ID:%1 NAME:%2",,;
                        for(enumValueIdx = 0; enumValueIdx < dictEnum.values(); enumValueIdx++)
                            info(strFmt("%1 = %2", dictEnum.index2Value(enumValueIdx), dictEnum.index2Label(enumValueIdx)));
                childNode =;

    // traverse all enums of a given project
    projName = ""';
    projNode = sharedProjList.AOTfindChild(projName);
    projNodeLoad = projNode.loadForInspection();